Generic Viagra is equivalent to its brand-name version regardless of the fact that it’s produced by the company other than its original producer. The ingredients, potency, and effectiveness of this generic medication coincide with its brand-name alternative. One pill of the drug is all that is needed to provide you with a 4-hour effect. You should remember to take this medication at least 30 minutes to an hour before intercourse because it doesn’t start to work immediately. Before taking a drug, you should consult a medical specialist whether it is suitable for your particular case. Also, learn about a number of medications that you should avoid while taking Viagra.

Price and Doses at Global Canadian Pharmacy

25mg 50mg 100mg
20 pills = $27.99 30 pills = $43.99 10 pills = $27.99
60 pills = $65.99 90 pills = $109.99 30 pills = $49.99
180 pills = $107.99 270 pills = $180.99 90 pills = $117.99

While the mentioned recommendations are effective in preventing ED in most cases, sometimes you have to take more drastic measures when the problem is already present. Most of the time the patients suffering from ED are prescribed the drugs to improve the blood flow to the genitals. Such drugs belong to the category of PDE5 inhibitors, and the most widely known medication features the active ingredient Sildenafil Citrate. This component is efficient in inducing erections thanks to its positive influence on the blood flow, which is not sufficient enough in male patients that suffer from ED.

This medication should be consumed before you engage in sexual activities, and its effect lasts for approximately 4 hours during which you can achieve several erections if you’re stimulated. It should be noted that the drug doesn’t make you aroused, but it enhances your ability to get an erection once you experience the sexual excitement. Also, if you take the pill and don’t have sex, you won’t have an accidental erection so you can go about your day without worrying that it will cause any uncomfortable situations.

Important Information

Any information regarding the products either sold or represented through this website should NOT and must NOT be taken as factually correct or even properly and scientifically investigated. It is solely for your informational use only and is NOT meant to replace the advice or services of medical professionals. We hold no responsibility over any use or the results of such uses. If you are a medical professional with questions or concerns about our products, reach us via the contact us page.