Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) remain to be the primary cause of death among men, women, and children worldwide, with one person dying from this health problem every 34 seconds. 

Common risk factors for heart disease include:

  • Diabetes
  • Excess weight and obesity
  • Unhealthy diet
  • Lack of physical activity
  • Excessive alcohol use
  • Smoking and secondhand smoke exposure
  • High blood pressure
  • High low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.

Global Canadian Pharmacy health professionals provide high-quality diagnostic and consultation services aimed at the early detection of patients at risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. Our well-calibrated and verified CVD screening program is a 7-step heart health check test that evaluates several crucial factors associated with this health problem.

Here are the parameters that the Global Canadian Pharmacy 7-step heart health check test monitors:

  • Kidney health
  • Lifestyle and bad habits
  • Diabetes risk and control
  • Blood pressure
  • Weight management
  • Oral Health
  • Sleep

Our cardiovascular disease risk-assessment service also includes pharmacist-led evaluation based on the Boland algorithm that relies on taking the patient’s medical history and conducting consecutive blood pressure measurements.

A thorough assessment of the above parameters can help us advise our patients on the most efficient lifestyle changes that help reduce the risk of CVDs. Besides, if our specialists detect a problem that is too advanced, they will immediately refer the patient to a general practitioner with supporting readings of the test conducted at our pharmacy.